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  1. Okay, looked over the edit history, and it seems that most of these bogus edits are from Password16 and associated sock puppets. As a quick fix, I've reverted back to November 6, 2007 for what (I hope) is an article relatively uncorrupted by misleading cites. However, this may also have reverted some legit work already done.
  2. Send Username/Password16. Entering Unavailable Dates17. Submitting a New Manuscript19. Submission Steps19. Submission Step Limits20. Article Type Selection20. Upload Any Additional Files21. File Ordering Mechanism21. Removing Files22. General Information22. Reviewer Preferences: Suggest and Oppose Reviewers22.
  3. Passwords are a real security threat. Over 80% of hacking-related breaches are due to weak or stolen passwords, a recent report shows.So if you want to safeguard your personal info and assets, creating secure passwords is a big first step.

There's no shortage of excitement surrounding Docker. But while many developers are familiar with containers in the abstract (they've installed Docker on their machines, watched online courses, and played with images locally), they're unsure of the concrete steps needed to deploy CFML apps to Swarm.

The world's most popular passwords have been revealed - and it's the predictable 'password' that tops the list.

Almost five per cent of computer users chose the simple code, according to a new study revealing the 10,000 most used words to complete the login process.

Password 16

So with such easy passwords, its time to make sure you improve your remote access users login experience and security by adding the SecurEnvoy tokenless, two factor authentication, method of proving the user is who they say they are!

Other obvious choices include '123456' at Number 2, followed by '12345678', '1234' and 'qwerty'. Also among them are the pleading-sounding 'letmein'.

The list compiled by IT security consultant Mark Burnettshows that just 100 passwords make up 40 per cent of those used on the web - giving hackers a pretty easy job.


1. password16. michael

2. 12345617. shadow

3. 1234567818. master

4. 123419. jennifer

Cloud outliner pro 2 5 5 registration key. 5. qwerty20. 111111

6. 1234521. 2000

7. dragon22. jordan

8. pussy23. superman

9. baseball24. harley

10. football25. 1234567

11. letmein26. f***me

12. monkey27. hunter

13. 69696928. f***you

14. abc12329. trustno1

15. mustang30. ranger

And, astonishingly, only 500 security codes make up 71 per cent of security codes. This is a tiny proportion of the 171,000 words thought to be used in the English language.

Mr Burnett adds: 'It is important to point out that although the top 10,000 passwords are used by 98.8 per cent of all users, there are 2,342,603 (that's 99.6 per cent) unique passwords remaining that are in use by only 0.18% of users!


His list comes after work-oriented social network LinkedIn was hacked into and 6.5million passwords were dumped on the web.

Many of the codes revealed that not everyone is entirely happy in their job.

Examples include 'hopeless,' 'killmenow', 'iwishiwasdead', and 'hatemyjob'.

The 150-million-strong social network is unlike rivals such as Facebook and Twitter in that it is built entirely around work connections - and many are clearly less than happy with how their career is progressing.

The social network confirmed today that it HAD been hacked, saying, 'We can confirm that some of the passwords that were compromised correspond to LinkedIn accounts.'

The leaked passwords are being hacked one by one by teams of forum users in Russia, and posted in plain text online.

List Of Great Passwords


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