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Declutter 2019 Challenge Printable

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Mar 24, 2019 - Clutter and chaos causing you anxiety? Try this 30 Day Declutter Challenge at any time during the year to get your home organized one day at a time. 30 Day Declutter Challenge - Free printable guide to help you get your home organized in just a month! Reformator 1 2 2. #decluttering #challenge. A friend of mine shared the 30-day declutter challenge with meif you are unfamiliar with this – it is simply that you fill 1 bag a day with unwanted/unneeded items and donate them or sell them. The idea that over 30 days you will be able to declutter (or mostly declutter) your home and get yourself on track to get your house in order. This declutter challenge will get your home back in order without completely overwhelming you and feeling like a never-ending job! (affiliates included) Even though I despise clutter, it keeps finding a way back into my life over and over again. 30 Day De-Clutter Challenge. For some reason you weren't subscribed to the 2019 Clean and Declutter Challenge, although you were on the list for our challenge in previous years. You do have to sign up each year because some people do not want to do the challenge again. I have added you to the new challenge, so let me know if you do not receive the emails now.

30 Day Declutter Challenge

It's easy to collect things through the year. Things we don't need. Things others could use. Things we can sell. Things we need to find and just put to use. At least my family does this. If you have too much stuff and your house could use a decluttering jump start then this challenge is for you. This January Decluttering Challenge is a daily checklist for you to easily remove things from your home that you no longer need. Feel free to donate, gift, recycle, or use up these items before opting to throw them away.

We have an active and encouraging Live With Less Facebook group that I would love to have you join. You can share before and after photos, ask for advice, and share encouraging photos of things you're letting go of. You can join by clicking here.

Day 1- 1 Sentimental thing
Day 2- 2 Red things
Day 3- 3 Unwanted gifts
Day 4- 4 Magazines/catalogs
Day 5- Old coupons
Day 6- Things you can give to someone
Day 7- Glass items (old mugs, dishes with chips, unloved vases, etc)
Day 8- Stationary items (broken pens, extra anything you won't use)
Day 9- Unfinished project pieces (finish the project this week or consider throwing it out)
Day 10- Old cotton (old t-shirts, cleaning rags, socks, anything cotton you no longer have a use for)
Day 11- Christmas cards
Day 12- Disposable plates, cups, or cutlery (use them up!)
Day 13- 13 items of clothes or shoes (a pair of shoes counts as 1)
Day 14- Duplicates (anything you have two of that you don't need, two bottles of red nail polish, tweezers, nail clippers, hammers, etc.)
Day 15- Unused old bottles (any empty jars or bottles that you don't have a use for)
Day 16- Tech (Movies, CDs, video games, random telephone cords, cords you don't know what they go to but have had 5+ years, etc.)
Day 17- Let go of 1 thing & write a letter/email to someone you've lost touch with (no need to provide a picture of the correspondence)
Day 18- Out grown/unloved items (nearly full old perfume bottles, toys, jewelry, etc.)
Day 19- Use something you've been saving (decorative soap, fancy dishes for a special occasion, a bottle of sparkling apple cider, whatever you may have that you're waiting to use 'some day' Let today be that day!)
Day 20- 5 Things you can fit in your hand
Day 21- Organize an area that you dread to organize and toss items as you go (before and after pictures are always fun but the items you're letting go of is okay too if you forget to snap a before pic)
Day 22- Write a list of 22 things that you're thankful for that money can't buy
Day 23- Let go of 2 things and make a recipe from an unused cook book (if you can't bring yourself to do it, let go of the cookbook too)
Day 24- Mend, fix, or glue 3 broken items or toss them (maybe you don't keep broken things but we always have a few broken things at our house)
Day 25- 5 things from 5 different rooms
Day 26- Move/toss/do 6 things that make you feel guilty (maybe it's a book that sits on your nightstand and has been laying there unread for months making you feel guilty when you look at it, maybe it's the dirty windows that irritate you, etc.)
Day 27- Do something you've been procrastinating (returning unloved purchases and going through old moving boxes are at the top of my list)
Day 28- Take your donations to a charity
Day 29- Repurpose/display a sentimental item you've decided to keep
Day 30- Find a 'home' for lost items that are around your house….as many as you have time for
Day 31- Let go of 12 pieces of paper

Happy New Year! I hope you'll join our Live With Less Facebook group so we can connect and chat!

You might also like our 200 Things to Throw Away post.

A friend of mine shared the 30-day declutter challenge with me…if you are unfamiliar with this – it is simply that you fill 1 bag a day with unwanted/unneeded items and donate them or sell them. The idea that over 30 days you will be able to declutter (or mostly declutter) your home and get yourself on track to get your house in order.

Now my goal with this is to have my kids participate as well. I am overwhelmed by the excess we have everywhere. I have pretty much stopped buying them anything but essentials, but it doesn't matter. We are overflowing. So to get this under control and help my kids learn better how to minimize as well, I want them to be part of it. Do you feel the same way?

Use a declutter chart

I have made a helpful free printable declutter chart for everyone in the family. It has made the process more efficient for us over the last couple of weeks as we have worked through the list.

It takes about 15 minutes a day (sometimes more, sometimes less) for each of us to grab a grocery sack and fill it up, and I can tell you already the difference it has made with the kids. They are playing with their toys more, able to keep their room cleaned up better and they don't fight as much. That is a huge bonus for me!

While I work in the area listed on the chart I have them work in the playroom, their bedroom or another area where they might have things that they can go through. This is also helpful for them to learn how to get rid of things that they aren't using anymore. We often will take the items and donate them. Depending on what it is, you can also sell some of them on places like the Facebook Marketplace, local ad sites, Ebay, etc.


Here is the free printable declutter chart which include things like toys, clothes, blankets, games, books, electronics, movies, decorations, craft supplies, tools, and more! I hope you find this list helpful and I would love to hear things you would add, and what has been useful.


  1. Kitchen drawers
  2. In the Kitchen cabinets
  3. Kitchen Pantry
  4. utility closet/under the kitchen sink
  5. laundry room
  6. office/desk drawers
  7. office shelves
  8. old papers/magazines
  9. books
  10. shoes
  11. shirts
  12. pants
  13. socks/underclothes
  14. bathroom drawers
  15. bathroom cupboards
  16. nightstands
  17. under the beds
  18. linen closet
  19. decorations
  20. coat closet
  21. blankets/bedding
  22. stuffed animals
  23. toys
  24. pet items
  25. garage
  26. guest bedroom
  27. living room(s)
  28. sofa tables and end tables
  29. extra shelves/tables
  30. backyard

I hope you try this as well! If you do, please let me know how it goes for you and anything that you found helped you be more efficient or productive in your task.


After you get done decluttering, you will definitely want to go through and organize everything. Be sure to check out all of our great posts about cleaning and organization and what you can do to make it easier!


After you get done decluttering, you will definitely want to go through and organize everything. Be sure to check out all of our great posts about cleaning and organization and what you can do to make it easier!

30 bags in 30 days declutter challenge plus free printable declutter chart
Tired of having a mess everywhere? Too much clutter around your house? Try the 30 bags in 30 days declutter challenge plus get a free printable declutter chart
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